
Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Sorry my little and BIG Tomato Snobs i've been MIA the past few weeks. I'm getting married on a beach in one weeks time, and i'm going crazy with final little details. Not to mention some family drama with emergency trips to the hospital, and mysterious rashes. I think the dust is finally starting to settle just in time to take off on my two week wedding extravaganza trip to Nuevo Vallarta Mexico.

I didn't wan to leave you all high and dry so here's my parting food for thought. My dear cousin/ matron of honor/ older sister type passed along for me today and I thought it only right to pass it on to all of you.

Tomatoland: How Modern Industrial Agriculture Destoryed Our Most Alluring Fruit
Review of Tomatoland

The book hasn't technically hit shelved yet but let's get on top of this controversial topic.  If any of you have comments please post em to encourage a discussion. I'll be sure to have something to say next month.

Take care all and chow for now,
- Soon to be Mrs. Tomato Snob ;)